Other Research Areas.Research at EPOCH covers multiple areas within the field of Human-Computer Interaction. Below are additional research areas we engage in:
Human-AI Collaboration | Educational Technologies | Social Computing | Novel Interaction | Trust and Autonomy
Novel Interactions
- Kevin P. Pfeil, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Jacob Belga, Jose-Valentin T. Sera-Josef, Joseph J. Laviola, and Pamela J. 2024. Wisniewski. Using Co-Design with Streamers and Viewers to Identify Values and Resolve Tensions in the Design of Interpersonal Wearable Telepresence Systems. In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 8, Issue CSCW1. https://doi.org/10.1145/3637425
- Crystal Maraj, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Sushunova Martinez, Jonathan Stevens, and Douglas Maxwell. 2017. Exploring the impact of simulator sickness on the virtual world experience. In Advances in Human Factors, Business Management, Training and Education: Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Factors, Business Management and Society, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA (pp. 635-643). Springer International Publishing.dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-42070-7_59
- Crystal Maraj, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Stephanie Lackey, and Irwin Hudson. 2017. Behavior cue detection training: understanding the impact of simulator sickness on performance. In Advances in Human Factors, Business Management, Training and Education: Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Factors, Business Management and Society, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA (pp. 645-652). Springer International Publishing. dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-42070-7_60
- Jonathan Stevens, Sean Mondesire, Crystal Maraj, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, and Douglas Maxwell. 2016. Workload analysis of virtual world simulation for military training. In Proceedings of the MODSIM World Conference, 26-28.
- Crystal Maraj, Martinez, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Jonathan Stevens, and Douglas Maxwell. 2016. Preliminary review of a virtual world usability questionnaire. In Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 8th International Conference, VAMR 2016, Held as Part of HCI International 2016, Toronto, Canada, July 17-22, 2016. Proceedings 8 (pp. 35-46). Springer International Publishing. dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39907-2_4
- Crystal Maraj, Stephanie Lackey, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Irwin Hudson. 2016. Assessment of Kim’s game strategy for behavior cue detection: engagement, flow, & performance aspects. In Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 8th International Conference, VAMR 2016, Held as Part of HCI International 2016, Toronto, Canada, July 17-22, 2016. Proceedings 8 (pp. 156-163). Springer International Publishing. dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39907-2_15
- Crystal Maraj, Stephanie Lackey, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Eric Ortiz, and Irwin Hudson. 2015. Modeling proxemic cues for simulation-based training in virtual environments. In Proceedings of the MODSIM World Conference, 1-9.
- Julie Salcedo, Stephanie Lackey, and Karla Badillo-Urquiola. 2015. Leveraging stress and intrinsic motivation to assess scaffolding during simulation-based training. In Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 7th International Conference, VAMR 2015, Held as Part of HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2-7, 2015, Proceedings 7 (pp. 309-320). Springer International Publishing. dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-21067-4_32
- Irwin Hudson and Karla Badillo-Urquiola. 2015. Virtual approach to psychomotor skills training: manipulating the appearance of avatars to influence learning. In Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 7th International Conference, VAMR 2015, Held as Part of HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2-7, 2015, Proceedings 7 (pp. 292-299). Springer International Publishing. dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-21067-4_30
- Stephanie Lackey, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Eric Ortiz, and Irwin Hudson. 2015. A process for developing accurate kinesic cues in virtual environments.
- Karla Badillo-Urquiola and Crystal Maraj. 2015. Assessing Performance Using Kinesic Behavior Cues in a Game-Based Training Environment. In Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 7th International Conference, VAMR 2015, Held as Part of HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2-7, 2015, Proceedings 7 (pp. 421-428). Springer International Publishing. dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-21067-4_43
- Crystal Maraj, Stephanie Lackey, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Sherry Ogreten, and Douglas Maxwell. 2015. Empirically derived recommendations for training novices using virtual worlds. In Proceedings of Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (IT/TSEC).
- Stephanie Lackey, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, and Eric Ortiz. 2014. Driven Recommendations for Implementing Biometric Cues in Virtual Environments. In Proceedings of the MODSIM World Conference, 1-11.
Human-AI Collaboration
- Ruyuan Wan, Simret Araya Gebreegziabher, Toby Jia-Jun Li, and Karla Badillo-Urquiola. 2024. CoCo Matrix: Taxonomy of Cognitive Contributions in Co-writing with Intelligent Agents. In Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Creativity & Cognition. https://doi.org/10.1145/3635636.3664260
- Ruyuan Wan and Karla Badillo-Urquiola. 2023. Dragonfly_captain at SemEval-2023 Task 11: Unpacking Disagreement with Investigation of Annotator Demographics and Task Difficulty. In Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023), pages 1978–1982, Toronto, Canada.
- Ruyuan Wan, Naome Etori, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, and Dongyeop Kang. 2022. User or Labor: An Interaction Framework for Human-Machine Relationships in NLP. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Data Science with Human-in-the-Loop (Language Advances), pages 112–121, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (Hybrid). Association for Computational Linguistics. arxiv.org/abs/2211.01553
- 🏅💎BEST PAPER HONORABLE MENTION AWARD (Top 5%) & IMPACT RECOGNITION AWARD Devansh Saxena, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Pamela J. Wisniewski, and Shion Guha. 2021. A Framework of High-Stakes Algorithmic Decision-Making for the Public Sector Developed through a Case Study of Child-Welfare. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 5, CSCW2, Article 348 (October 2021), 41 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3476089
- 🏅BEST PAPER HONORABLE MENTION AWARD (Top 5%) Devansh Saxena, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Pamela J. Wisniewski, and Shion Guha. 2020. A Human-Centered Review of Algorithms used within the U.S. Child Welfare System. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1145/3313831.3376229 (24.3% acceptance rate)
- Devansh Saxena, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Pamela Wisniewski, and Shion Guha. 2020. Child Welfare System: Interaction of Policy, Practice and Algorithms. In Companion Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP '20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 119–122. https://doi.org/10.1145/3323994.3369888
Educational Technologies
- Muhammad Irtaza Safi, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Suleman Shahid, Zirak Zaheer, Momina Haider, and Hamza Mahmood. 2018. Using Native Tongue Mnemonics to Enhance English Learning. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP '18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 102–106. https://doi.org/10.1145/3148330.3154509
Social Computing
- Pamela Wisniewski, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, Zahra Ashtorab, and Jessica Vitak. 2020. Happiness and Fear: Using Emotions as a Lens to Disentangle How Users Felt About the Launch of Facebook Reactions. Trans. Soc. Comput. 3, 4, Article 20 (December 2020), 25 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3414825
- Jessica Vitak, Pamela Wisniewski, Zahra Ashktorab, and Karla Badillo-Urquiola. 2017. Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Social Media to Grieve Following the Loss of Pet. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Social Media & Society (#SMSociety17). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 23, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1145/3097286.3097309 (37% acceptance rate)
Trust and Autonomy
- David Garcia, Christine Kreutzer, Karla Badillo-Urquiola, and Mustapha Mouloua. 2015. Measuring trust of autonomous vehicles: a development and validation study. In HCI International 2015-Posters’ Extended Abstracts: International Conference, HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2-7, 2015. Proceedings, Part II 17 (pp. 610-615). Springer International Publishing.dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-21383-5_102